一起惠2017-12-04 09:31:14552 次




The digital economy is an increasingly important driver of global economic growth and plays a significant role in accelerating economic development,enhancing productivity of existing industries,cultivating new markets and industries,and achieving inclusive,sustainable growth.To extend the cooperation in digital economy,as countries support the"The Belt and Road"initiative,while bearing in mind the principles of interconnection,innovation,openness,harmony and inclusiveness,mutual benefit and win-win cooperation,we will explore ways to collectively leverage digital opportunity,cope with challenges,and will strengthen the Policy coordination,Facilities connectivity,Unimpeded trade,Financial integration,and People-to-people bond.We are working on to build an interconnected Digital Silk Road and to create a community of shared interests and shared future with win-win cooperation and common prosperity.

To this end,on a voluntary and non-binding basis,we propose the following initiatives:



Expand broadband access and improve quality.Improve the construction of regional communication,internet,satellite navigation,as well as other important information infrastructure and facilitate interconnection,explore ways to expand high-speed internet access and connectivity at affordable price.Promote broadband network coverage,and improve service capacity and quality.



Promote digital transformation.Promote digitization of agricultural production,operation,management,and networked transformation of agricultural products distribution.Encourage the integration of digital technology and manufacturing,to build a more connected,networked,and intelligent manufacturing sector.Take advantage of ICTs to improve education,health and safety,environmental protection,urban plan,health-care and other public services.Promote the continued development of service sectors such as smart logistics,online tourism,mobile payment,digital creativity and the sharing economy.



Encourage e-commerce cooperation.Explore the feasibility of establishing the mechanism of information sharing and mutual recognition accreditation in files of cross-border e-commerce credibility,customs clearance,inspection and quarantine,consumer protection and so on.Strengthen cooperation in fields of financial payment,warehousing and logistics,technical service,offline exhibition,etc.Strengthen cooperation in protecting consumers’rights.



Support internet-based entrepreneurship and innovation.Encourage internet-based research,development and innovation(RDI)and entrepreneurship through an enabling,transparent legal framework.Take advantage of the internet to promote innovation in products,services,processes,organizations and business models.



Promote development of MSMEs.Promote policies that support micro,small and medium-sized enterprises(MSMEs)to use ICT technology for innovation,improved competitiveness,and new distribution channels in markets.Promote affordable digital infrastructures needed for the digitization of MSME operations.Encourage MSMEs to provide ICTs goods and services to the public sectors and to participate in global value chains.



Strengthen digital capability building.Enhance public digital skills to ensure the development of digital economy benefits for all.Promote on-the-job training to upgrade employees’digital skills.Encourage government,universities and research institutions,enterprises to actively carry out training programs to promote the popularization and upgrading of digital skills.



Promote investment in the ICT Sector.Improve the business environment through policy frameworks that facilitate RDI as well as investment,including cross-border investment in the digital economy.Promote varies kinds of financial institutions and multilateral development institutions to invest in ICT infrastructure and ICT applications.Guide commercial equity investment funds and social funds to invest in the field of digital economy and encourage Public Private Partnerships.Encourage the organization of investment information exchange events among ICT companies and financial institutions,and mutual investment in the ICT sector.



Promote inter-city cooperation of digital economy.Promote relevant cities to carry out cooperation between city pairs,support the establishment of strategic cooperation relationship between city pairs.Jointly build information infrastructure,promote information sharing,enhance information technological cooperation,promote Internet economic and trade service and strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges,in a bid to drive the development of international transportation and logistics.Explore construction of“Digital Silk Road”economic cooperation pilot zone.Encourage relevant cities to set up“Digital Silk Road”economic cooperation pilot zone respectively.Promote depth cooperation in Information Infrastructure,Smart Cities,E-commerce,Telemedicine,Internet Plus,Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.



Enhance digital inclusion.Use a variety of policy measures and technical means to bridge the digital divides between and within countries.Vigorously facilitate internet penetration.Facilitate the use of digital technology in school education as well as in non-formal education.Strive towards realizing broadband connectivity and network teaching environment in schools,ensuring an increased number of students can learn by using digital tools and resources.Strengthen the development of high quality local digital contents,such as online games,animation,film and television,literature and knowledge resources,and promote cultural exchanges and strengthen people-to-people bond.



Encourage cultivating transparent digital economy policy-making.Develop and maintain open,transparent,inclusive,evidence-based digital economy policymaking.Encourage publishing of relevant,publicly available government data,recognizing the potential to boost new technology,products and services.Encourage online public procurement to support the production of innovative digital services and products by enterprises.



Promote international standardization cooperation.Advocate the joint development of formulation and application of international standards for the related technology products and services that are consistent with the international rules including WTO rules and principles.



Strengthen confidence and trust.Promote the availability,integrity,confidentiality and authenticity of online transactions.Encourage the development of secure information infrastructure to promote trusted,stable,and reliable internet applications.Jointly combat cybercrime and protect ICT environment by strengthening international cooperation on these issues in online transactions.Build confidence of users,which is an essential element of the digital economy by ensuring the respect of privacy and protection of personal data.



Encourage cooperation with respect to independent choice of development path.Encourage relevant countries to exchange views,promote mutual understanding,strengthen cooperation in policy making and regulation to reduce,eliminate,or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements to unleash the digital economy,recognizing that all countries should chart development paths that are consistent with their international legal obligations and their development situations,historical and cultural traditions,national legal systems,and national development strategies.



Encourage establishment of a peaceful,secure,open,cooperative and orderly cyberspace.We support ICT policies that preserve the global nature of the Internet,allow Internet users to lawfully access online information,knowledge and services of their choice.At the same time,recognize that we need fully respect sovereignty in cyberspace and safeguard cybersecurity.We need resolutely fight against cyber-terrorism and cyber-crime,protect privacy and information security.To promote the establishment a multilateral,democratic and transparent international internet governance system.



Encourage establishing a multi-level exchange mechanism to promote exchanges and share views among governments,enterprises,scientific institutions,industry organizations and relevant interested parties to promote cooperation in digital economy.Strengthen training and research cooperation in digital economy.Promote countries of“The Belt and Road”to exchange experience on policy making and legislation,and share best practices.Welcome and encourage UNCTAD,UNIDO,OECD,ITU and other international organizations to play an important role in promoting the international cooperation of digital economy among the“The Belt and Road”countries.


